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SUMMER BREAK ✶ Soulbound will be taking a summer break from August 16, 2024 to September 16, 2024. Click here for more details.

Soulbound's 4th Birthday!

4 years ago today, Soulbound officially launched, after I spent over a year preparing my first collection, the website, all of my packaging, and visuals for social media. I decided back then to quit my full-time job so that I could devote all of my time to getting this business off the ground. It was terrifying, but I'm so glad I did it!⁠

For the past 4 years, I've worked harder than I ever have in my entire life. It's not uncommon for me to work late into the night and on weekends. This is the reality for small business owners and we certainly sacrifice our social lives and free time to pursue our passions!⁠

Looking back, I can't believe how much I've accomplished, and I've done it all alone! Soulbound is still a one-woman company, and while it is overwhelming at times, I love the fact that it's so intimate and personal.⁠

When you send me an email, you're contacting me directly. I'm also the person lovingly packing your orders and walking them over to FedEx! All of the hands and ears you see in photos on my website and on Instagram modeling my jewelry are my own (unless it's a men's band - my husband Ken is the hand model for those!)⁠

Speaking of doing everything myself, I also always make a cake from scratch to celebrate another year of Soulbound! This year I made a low-carb strawberry and matcha cake. The cake layers are my vanilla sponge cake (I've been working on the recipe for months and I think it's finally good enough to share!). The filling is strawberry compote and strawberry crème au beurre, and the outside of the cake is decorated with matcha Italian meringue buttercream with strawberry Italian meringue buttercream cherry blossoms!⁠

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